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- /* TrapDoorPoll.thor by Troels Walsted Hansen
- ** $VER: TrapDoorPoll.thor v1.50 (03.06.95)
- **
- ** An ARexx script that automates TrapDoor polling of a
- ** BBS selected from a listview. The script assumes that
- ** you have configured one main TrapDoor.cfg and several
- ** small cfg files for each of your bosses.
- **
- ** History:
- ** ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- ** TrapDoorPoll.thor v1.10 (25.11.94)
- ** · don't open requester if there's only one boss configured
- **
- ** TrapDoorPoll.thor v1.50 (03.06.95)
- ** · if NComm is running you will be prompted with the option of quitting it
- */
- /* config the below according to your setup */
- trapdoorpath = "MAIL:Bin/" /* must end with either ":" or "/" */
- BOSS.1 = "ProSoft Node #1"
- CONFIG.1 = "mail:TrapDoor.cfg.prosoft1"
- BOSS.2 = "ProSoft Node #2"
- CONFIG.2 = "mail:TrapDoor.cfg.prosoft2"
- BOSS.3 = "AmigaZone"
- CONFIG.3 = "mail:TrapDoor.cfg.amizone"
- BOSS.COUNT = 3 /* number of configured bosses */
- /* don't touch anything below here */
- options results
- /* needs THOR and bbsread.library functions */
- p = ' ' || address() || ' ' || show('P',,)
- thorport = pos(' THOR.',p)
- if thorport > 0 then thorport = word(substr(p,thorport+1),1)
- else
- do
- say 'No THOR port found!'
- exit 10
- end
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then
- do
- address command
- "run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead"
- "WaitForPort BBSREAD"
- end
- /* request BBSes or dial the only one configured */
- select
- when(BOSS.COUNT = 1) then result = BOSS.1
- when(BOSS.COUNT > 1) then
- do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTLIST instem BOSS title '"Select BBS to poll:"' SIZEGADGET
- if(rc ~= 0) then exit
- end
- otherwise exit
- end
- do i=1 to BOSS.COUNT
- if(result = BOSS.i) then break
- end
- /* if NComm is started it'll probably be holding on to the serial port */
- if(show('p', 'ncomm')) then
- do
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY TEXT '"Do you want to quit NComm?"' BT '"_Yes|No"'
- if(result = 1) then
- do
- address('ncomm')
- end
- end
- /* start TrapDoor */
- address command "run >nil: " || trapdoorpath || "TrapDoor CONFIG " || CONFIG.i
- exit